Arlene & Family Arlene & Family Blossom and Max in Youngstown, OH, July 1942 Blossom and Max in Youngstown, OH, July 1942 Celia-and-Harold Arlene Arlene Arlene and her maternal grandmother, 1947. Arlene and her maternal grandmother, 1947. Celia, Harold, Rhea, Blossom Celia, Harold, Rhea, Blossom Arlene and her paternal grandmother. Arlene and her paternal grandmother. Brooklyn apartment Brooklyn apartment Blossom, Max, Arlene Blossom, Max, Arlene Arlene and Larry, who looks like a space alien Arlene and Larry, who looks like a space alien Arlene and Larry Arlene and Larry Blossom, Max, Larry, and Arlene ice skating on the lake in Monroe, NY Blossom, Max, Larry, and Arlene ice skating on the lake in Monroe, NY "Arlene as Monroe fairy" 1952 "Arlene as Monroe fairy" 1952 1952 1952 Arlene, Larry, and Blossom at Niagara Falls. Arlene, Larry, and Blossom at Niagara Falls. Arlene and Larry by the blue spruce in Monroe, NY, 1958. Arlene and Larry by the blue spruce in Monroe, NY, 1958. Arlene in front of the blue spruce in Monroe, NY. Arlene in front of the blue spruce in Monroe, NY. July 1964 July 1964 BRN3C2AF4AB96A8_005954 Max and Blossom in Monroe, NY, 1977 Max and Blossom in Monroe, NY, 1977 BRN3C2AF4AB96A8_005938 Arlene in high school. Arlene in high school. Arlene and Larry in Brooklyn, dressed up for some event. Arlene was about 18. Arlene and Larry in Brooklyn, dressed up for some event. Arlene was about 18. Arlene's high school graduation, 1964 Arlene's high school graduation, 1964 July 1964 July 1964 Arlene and Larry, 1966. Arlene and Larry, 1966. Blossom, Arlene, and Rona Blossom, Arlene, and Rona Bonnie and Rona Bonnie and Rona Rona and Bonnie with ducks Rona and Bonnie with ducks Coat Coat Arlene and Lou's wedding Arlene and Lou's wedding Arlene and Blossom in Orinda, CA. Arlene and Blossom in Orinda, CA. image000000 Arlene helping Lou sell stamps. Arlene helping Lou sell stamps. Arlene and Lou did a 10k. Lou ran, Arlene walked, and they both finished. Arlene and Lou did a 10k. Lou ran, Arlene walked, and they both finished. Arlene working with Dandy in dog training class. Arlene working with Dandy in dog training class. Arlene and her pet duck Arlene and her pet duck Arlene and her pet duck Arlene and her pet duck Bonnie, Arlene, and Rona Bonnie, Arlene, and Rona Umberto's Umberto's Bonnie-graduation At Bonnie's art show At Bonnie's art show Arlene, Larry, and Jesse in 1993. Arlene, Larry, and Jesse in 1993. Jan-4-1993 Jesse, Bonnie, and Arlene in 1993. Jesse, Bonnie, and Arlene in 1993. Hawaii? 29 Aug 1993 Hawaii? 29 Aug 1993 Arlene-and-Allan-2001-Oct-26 Arlene and Allan Arlene and Allan Arlene, Jesse, and Robin, on Lopez Island. Arlene, Jesse, and Robin, on Lopez Island. Arlene and Roswell, January 14, 2006, at the Little Gym in Seattle Arlene and Roswell, January 14, 2006, at the Little Gym in Seattle Arlene and Roswell Arlene and Roswell Arlene meets Keegan, 2007 Arlene meets Keegan, 2007 Arlene and Roswell reading Arlene and Roswell reading Arlene and Roswell have a picnic, 2007 Arlene and Roswell have a picnic, 2007 Arlene, Robin, and Larry, at Bonnie's wedding. Arlene, Robin, and Larry, at Bonnie's wedding. Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Arlene in Israel Duncan, Keegan, Evan, Arlene, Roswell, Rona, Bonnie (L to R). Duncan, Keegan, Evan, Arlene, Roswell, Rona, Bonnie (L to R).